Convert panorama formats to digital
& save memories.

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Free USB drive for your panorama format scans!

Free USB driveOld analogue media won't last forever. Convert your panorama formats to digital now and view your unique memories with family and friends on TV, your computer and tablet.

We've got a gift for you! Take benefit and you’ll receive a free USB drive for your scanned panorama formats. The promotion is valid until 28/02/2025.

Please enter your contact information below to start your non-binding request. Our promotional discount will be assigned automatically.

YES! I want my panorama formats scanned now!

Contact information

We use your data to generate your order form and send it to you. Please also read our privacy policy and promotion terms. A contract is concluded as soon as we receive your media along with your signed order form.
Please tell us your phone number so we can give you free advice.
Mediafix Tooltip Your address

Price per scan

up to 150 images €0.99
151 – 500 images €0.94
501 – 1,000 images €0.89
from 1,001 images €0.84
All prices include legal VAT. Shipping costs will be added. Take notice of our promotion terms here.

We also convert:


Format starting at
Medium-formats (4x4cm to 6x9cm) €0.84
Large-formats €2.49
APS films €0.25
Half-format €0.33
Instamatic format €0.45
Minox/pocket €0.45
Slide strips €0.11

Convert panorama formats:
Your benefits

  • Best-price-guarantee
  • Quality commitments
  • Proven customer satisfaction
  • All formats and film types
  • Additional services available
  • Panorama formats on DVD, USB drive or as digital download


I got very old family pictures from my mother that were held on negatives and that weren’t normal formats. MEDIAFIX was the right choice and was able to digitize the negatives in a great quality. Thank you for that!

Jürgen from Walldürn

Save your panorama formats from decay

Do you still have old pictures of special moments with your family? Then you shouldn’t lose any time. Like all old media, panorama formats won’t last forever. These valueable memories will decrease in quality with time.

Why you should have your panorama formats scannedVerfall von Dias

  • Color fadings: Fading colors are the first sign of age. Saturation and brilliance will lessen.
  • Color tints: Material starts to change with time. This leads to color tints, which means that colors start to shift in a certain direction.
  • Mould: Often panorama formats are stored in the attic or in the cellar, where they are exposed to temperature fluctuation and and humidity. This causes mould, which attacks the film material.
  • No optimal storage conditions: At 7° degrees room temperature and a humidity of 15% panorama formats have optimal storage conditions. It’s quite difficult to achieve this conditions in reality.
  • No slide projector: Even if your panorama formats are in a good condition,  you need a working slide projector and also a suitable projection surface.

If you have your panorama formats scanned today, you save some valuable moments and avoid further signs of age. Any questions? Our customer service will gladly give you advice!

Do you have any questions left? We will gladly help you!
Start a non-binding request now!

Optimal colors with post-processing

Thanks to the professional post-processing of your images, MEDIAFIX provides you with an optimal image and color experience, even with older images. We are specialized in scanning panorama formats and have professional scanners that enable resolutions of up to 3,100 dpi. Color correction is done in a self-developed, semi-automated process, in which we match the colours of your image with standard image values. Professional post-processing can only be booked for positives.

If you should choose professional post-processing for your images, we will provide you with both the improved versions and the unprocessed scans. You then have the direct comparison. In addition to the color values, we also correct the contrast and brightness of your images. Experience shows that post-processing is almost always worthwhile. It makes the old recordings appear in a new glow. The professional post-processing is already available for €0.12 per panorama format.

Dias scannen mit Nachbearbeitung Bilder im Vergleich

Premium-inversion via raw data

Unfortunately, panorama formats usually show color casts and contrast changes after a few years. Our raw data inversion enables us to correct these changes in most cases. With the Premium-inversion we maintain all image information. MEDIAFIX provides you with a clear and sharp image that can be easily enlarged. The Premium-inversion is available for only €0.19 per picture and is only bookable for negatives.


Start a non-binding request now!

New possibilities for your panorama formats

If you convert your panorama formats, you don’t only save your precious memories. You also have many other possibilities!

  • Share your panorama formats scans with your friends and family in the whole world.
  • Enjoy your scans on TV, tablet or a projector.
  • Duplicate your panorama formats as much as you want: Create several backup copies.
  • Archive the recordings of your and your family’s life like you want to.
  • Design and give away special pictures as a photo gift.
  • Print your shots as a high-quality wall print.

Scan panorama formats by yourself or have them scanned?

Scan panorama formats by yourself

Scanning panorama formats by yourself turns out to be quite difficult, since only a few existing gadgets are capable of possibly doing it. A good scanner is expensive (from 500 €) and is only worth it when it is about a large amount of pictures. Cheaper devices only enable low resolutions, which leads to an unsatisfying quality of the scans.
Anyway scanning single pictures is very expensive in time and a professional cleaning not really possible. The process maybe has to be repeated several times, if there is still dirt on the pictures or the image was scanned incorrectly aligned. Also the handling of such scanners is not self-explanatory.

Convert panorama formats? Your advantages at MEDIAFIX

  • Scan panorama formats at the market leader
  • MEDIAFIX is test winner at n-tv
  • More than 91 Access points in Europe
  • Personal advice by phone, e-mail or on-site
  • Perfect colors by post-processing at MEDIAFIX
  • Panorama formats on DVD, USB drive or as digital download

It pays off to scan at MEDIAFIX: If you have your panorama formats scanned at MEDIAFIX, you will benefit from the lowest price – this is what we will promise with our best-price-guarantee. We scan panorama formats starting at €0.33. Of course you will get your precious memories back in an excellent image quality.

If you want, you can compare our prices with other scanning providers and convince yourself. You’ll see: MEDIAFIX is the perfect scanning service provider for you, since we use advanced technologies to produce on our own.

Panorama format scanning – overview of your benefits:

Price-performance: Best-price-guarantee
Quality: Test winner at n-tv
Advice: By phone / e-mail / on-site
Delivery: 91 Access points / by post
Formats: All types of frames and magazines
Storage: Panorama formats on DVD, USB drive or as digital download

The panorama format

58x24 PanoramaformatePanorama pictures have much more image content than conventional pictures. In some cases they cover a 360° angle and they are then called circular image. The purpose is often found in architecture and landscape photography.

Which panorama-formats are most existing?

Most panorama formats have dimensions of 2.4×5.8cm or 2.4×6.6cm. The 35mm panorama format exists as negative, slide or black and white film.

MEDIAFIX also digitizes your panorama formats. Our self-developed scanners can handle all formats. If you still have questions, you can just call us at +49 221 / 67 78 69 34.


We also digitize these formats for you

Format Characteristics Price per picture
· the most common slide format

· it is called 35mm because of its width

from €0.11
(4×4 to 6x9cm)
· higher resolution and image quality than 35mm

· popular for professional photographers

from €0.84
(9×12 to 30x40cm)
· best possible image quality

· professional standard, especially in architectural photography

from €2.49
Minox and Pocket (8×11 or 13x17mm) · exotic formats

· in most cases low image quality

from €0.45
· easier insert into the camera

· very popular due to its square format

from €0.45
(24×24 or 18-24mm)
· the same film as 35mm

· exposed in the classic silent film format 18x24mm

· extended by Agfa to 24x24mm

from €0.33


Scan your panorama formats now!