Promotion terms and conditions
Here you can find an overview of the most important facts about our discounts and coupons.
General terms about our discount promotions
- If not stated differently, all discount promotions and coupons are only valid for online requests.
- If not stated differently, your media has to be delivered within 30 years after the end of the campaign. For post delivery the post stamp decides.
- Discount are only valid for new orders and can’t be considered afterwards for already existing orders.
- If not stated in the campaign, storage media and shipping costs are not included in the discount campaigns. Exceptions are promotions with a “free USB drive” and/or “free return shipping”.
- In general, a combination of multiple discount campaigns/coupons is not possible. An exception are purchased vouchers.
- Per customer and per order only one discount/one coupon.
- A individual offer from our customer service already includes your discounts and excludes further coupons and discounts.
- If you should have hand in multiple discount promotions to us, when dropping your media by or sending your media in, we will automatically select the coupon with the highest discount for you. The other coupons will not be considered.
- If a combination of different coupons should occur from our side, it is a gesture of goodwill that can’t be generalized.
Terms about special discount promotions
Free USB drive / storage device
In order to benefit from our Free USB drive or Free storage device, saving on an USB drive or similar storage device has to be selected in the order process. If you require saving on additional storage devices, please take notice of the according option.
We use storage devices that have enough storage space for a complete saving of your order. There is no general right for higher capacity, even if we use a larger storage device as a gesture of goodwill.
We use USB drives and hard disks with USB 3.0 connection.
Free return shipping
If not stated differently, free return shipping is valid only for return shipping by post in Germany. Your parcel is insured and sent to your stated delivery address with our logistics partner DHL.
You still have questions? You have a larger amount of slides, negatives, photos , films or audio media and want to benefit from individual discounts? Then just contact is by phone at +49 221/67786934 or send us en e-mail to
Our customer service s looking forward to hear from you!